“MilKooks” United against MY Ego
“Per Mike Yon on Facebook: If we are going to make a success out of this war, must start squeezing out and choking off the irresponsible “sources.” People who care will start writing letters to...
View ArticleThe Emperor has no clothes on…
Yes, I am considered to be a “MilKook” set by the standards of Michael Yon and not to be taken seriously, for my 25 years of experience as a Marine mean nothing I guess. It is for that reason I have...
View ArticleMichael Yon, Sad, Sad Man
Michael Yon, shame on you. You are going out of your way to slander this Soldier, CJ Grisham, with your nonsense. I sure wish you would come back to the US, if only so you could get what you deserve...
View ArticleThis Ain’t hell takes on Mike Yon and Paul Rieckhoff
Man oh man, for those of you who read “This Ain’t Hell” on a regular basis, you know that I’m a BIG fan of both Mark and Jonn. This week they went after Paul Rieckhoff for wearing a Special Forces Tab...
View ArticleSoldier Angels response to Mike Yon
Guys, There are support groups out made up of outstanding American’s helping our troops with little rewards except for knowing what they did make a difference. Soldiers Angels is one of those groups....
View ArticleCJ Grisham, the fight for his freedom and ours
CJ Grisham, the fight for his freedom (shot of CJ at my house during his trip to Fort Hood in conjunction with his vacation to his new duty station. Yes this is a “I love me” gun shot, we like our...
View ArticleHow to gain five pounds and love it.
When I was down in Camp Lejeune, there was one of these great fried chicken and BBQ chain restaurants off base called “Smith Field’s BBQ” which I enjoyed weekly. They have the best damn chow and how I...
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